Ihr Partner für Spedition und Logistik

Spedition Dettendorfer Ihr Logistik Dienstleister seit 1825






Details zur Bonität

The Dettendorfer Spedition

On the road to success with us

Spedition Dettendorfer is an Upper Bavarian family business with long tradition. Our company was founded in 1825 and has developed into an internationally operating group of companies that offers its customers numerous additional services besides its main business of freight forwarding.

We operate beyond the region of Upper Bavaria and Germany, provide a wide range of forwarding services in Europe and belong to the leading suppliers in the fields of transport, logistics and merchandise management. Through this diversity, coupled with the many years of experience in our medium-sized family business, we offer our customers true added values such as flexibility, reliability and security.

History of the Dettendorfer forwarding company

In order to get to know today’s Dettendorfer group of companies even better, it is worth taking a look even further back than the founding year of 1825. As early as the 12th century, the Dettendorfers’ ancestors were active in business here in the region Nußdorf am Inn. The first mention was in 1166 with a wine transport from South Tyrol to the Baumburg/Chiemgau monastery. They were farmers, Inn boatmen and practised the profession of muleteers – so called Alpine crossers. A profession with a strong connection to our region and what we do today. Even then, our ancestors ensured that goods reached places like Vienna, Budapest or the Black Sea.

In 1825, a trade roll was registered for the company, which was one of the most important milestones in our history. In the second half of the 20th century, the whole diversity and size of the company finally crystallised, which our forwarding company has today. Despite all our international growth, we never forgot our history and origins. Values and tradition remain at the centre of our actions.

Spedition Dettendorfer – Certificates and awards

In addition to a strong sense of tradition, one of the most important features of our company policy is, of course, the idea of quality. Quality that we not only promise you, but also demonstrably deliver.


As a member of the LBT/BGL (Landesverband Bayerischer Transport- und Logistikunternehmen / Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr Logistik und Entsorgung), we are part of a strong community that has been committed to the interests and development of Bavarian transport companies for over seventy years.

We are part of the renowned trade association LBS/DSLV DSLV (Landesverband Bayerischer Spediteure / Deutscher Speditions- und Logistikverband) for forwarding and logistics. Our association supports us and our customers with comprehensive information on all important day-to-day business issues.

Logistik Made in Germany

Germany has a lot to offer as a logistics country – a central location, excellent infrastructure, competent logistics service providers and plenty of logistics know-how. With its marketing measures, the Logistics Allliance Germany network helps to raise awareness abroad of Germany as a logistics location and as a gateway and hub in Europe and to promote opening up the European market via Germany with German logistics service providers.


Quality management is an indispensable asset in transport, logistics and also warehousing. For this reason, we established an in-house quality management system as early as 1996, which is now certified according to EN ISO 9001:2015. In addition, we are a waste disposal specialist company according to § 56 KrWG + EfbV and certified with the Creditreform credit certificate.


Especially as a traditional company with a very long history, we know that a company must also be able to pass difficult times. Our commitment to performance has repeatedly been reflected in strong results, which in turn have also been rewarded with awards. Our company is pleased to receive the following honors:

TOP 100 Innovation” Award

Ranking in the “Top 100 in Logistics

Bavaria’s Best 50″ award 2004, 2016, 2022

Dettendorfer Betriebsmusik – Also on YouTube

Our involvement in company music shows that it is not always just about “the serious side of life”, in other words work. Spedition Dettendorfer is musically active already since 1982, can be booked through our secretary’s office and also listened online at YouTube.

Again, we can look back on a long tradition, because the music has been playing at Dettendorfer since 1927. As usual in Upper Bavaria, brass band music has always played an important role in our village, and the father of today’s company senior was active in the Hinterberg music band. He finally founded the Dettendorfer Betriebsmusik in 1982. It is mainly inspired by Gottlieb Weißbacher and his “Fidelen Inntalern” and is a great pleasure not only for our musical staff but also for listeners at festivals and celebrations in the region.



Termine der Dettendorfer Betriebsmusik

Kufstein 2024

Opening Dettendorfer Austria GmbH

2020 Raubling

Takeover Inntaler Autohof

2016 Bruckmühl

Takeover of green fodder drying

2015 Kufstein

Takeover of Inntal Logistics Park

2015 Landshut

Opening Dettendorfer Landshut

2013 Kolbermoor

Foundation Dettendorf raw material

2013 Erl

Foundation Dettendorfer

Kiefersfelden 2008

Opening of Dettendorf Logistics Park

2006 Polen

Foundation Dettendorfer Polska

2005 Deizisau

Foundation Dettendorfer Deizisau

2000 Flintsbach am Inn

Move Nußdorf to Flintsbach

1999 Verona

Foundation Dettendorfer Verona

1995 Großkarolinenfeld
Foundation of Dettendorf Recyclables
1995 Tattenhausen
Foundation HOLZ ARENA
1994 Könitz
Opening Dettendorf steel warehouse
1991 Hamburg

Foundation Dettendorfer Hamburg

1990 Eberswalde

Road transport Eberswalde

1986 Verona

Opening Intermodal Verona

1982 Nußdorf am Inn

Foundation of Betriebsmusik Dettendorfer

1980 Nußdorf am Inn
Start of forwarding activities
1929 Nußdorf am Inn

First truck

1895 Nußdorf am Inn

Last ship train of the Dettendorfer

1825 Nußdorf am Inn
Entry in the trade register
First mention